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Advanced Studio Lighting Techniques for Digital Portrait Photographers by Norman Phillips

Currently Unavailable

Light, in all its infinite variety, is what makes portrait photography possible. But once you've mastered the basics and learned how to follow all of the traditional rules, how can you continue to grow in your understanding of it? Norman Phillips shows you how to take that next step, adapting traditional styles and breaking tried-and-true rules to produce lighting effects that are both creative and unexpected. Step-by-step techniques are paired with before-and-after images and photo sequences to help you identify unique lighting opportunities on location or in the studio—with male and female subjects, individuals, and groups.


•Learning to see unusual portrait-lighting opportunities

•Achieving unique effects in one- and two-light portrait setups

•Tips for creative accent lighting

•Using lighting to enhance the sense of mystery and drama in your portraits

•Techniques for creative lighting in wedding and children's portraits

•Using highlights and shadows to sculpt the face

•Lighting individuals and small groups

128 pages

Norman Phillips is a master photographer who is the recipient of more than 150 awards, including the Accolade of Outstanding Photographic Excellence in Recognition of Contribution to the Industry. He has hosted many seminars, sponsored by corporations like Pentax Corporation, Eastman Kodak and Burrell Colour, Inc. Phillips is also a regular contributor to industry publications including Rangefinder magazine and the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International monthly newsletter.

EAN: 9781584281863
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